Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Blue Moon

Honestly what a lot of hype. I heard two women on the bus today talking about never having seen a 'blue' moon before and wondering whether it will be dark or light blue!
I wish when the media picked things up they would make sure they pass on the correct information.
I'm unlikely to see a blue moon tonight as it's very cloudy so here's a blue agapanthus from my garden instead - it's definitely blue!
If I do manage to see the real thing and it's as red as it was last night I'll add an extra.
I slept well last night and did my exercises faithfully this morning and have realised, at 9pm that my back hasn't bothered me at all today. I'll keep doing the exercises, but am very happy about that.
I did a couple of home visits to some of our housebound today and I'm going to another couple tomorrow, taking the Rector's leaving ard with me for them to sign.
Other than that it's been a quiet day. I popped out to Sainsbury's and later to Tesco's for the things I'd forgotten - fresh parsley, as I don't have any growing this year.
Katy and the girls are staying over tonight as she's on call and Jon on night shift. I'll take the girls to school in the morning.
The Monday quizzes started again last week, so we'll watch them on Tuesday as usual.
I read today that Cameron Toll roundabout is to be closed again for several weeks as Scottish Gas are replacing the pipes. It's only reopened recently after being closed for 3 months after a culvert collapsed. They promise they'll reinstate it to the 'recently resurfaced' condition it is currently in. Wait and see!

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