
By carliewired

85 F/ 29 C

A cooler morning
and a light wind greeted me
near the wetland pond


We had a thunderstorm boil up yesterday mid afternoon. Wind, rain and thunder rolled through the valleys. It was something of a surprise to see such a clear sky over my mountains at 5:45 AM.

I drove off to Tranquille at 6 with a brief stop to drop off a birthday gift. My friend in Australia has a son here, so I've left the package at his house. It will be carried to Australia and delivered very early. 

I stopped to zoom in on Tranquille Farm. I like to see its reflection in the pond. I sat in my car listening to our national radio, CBC. I waited for the shadows to fade away and for the sun to light up the farm. 

I drove to the farm gates to check on the osprey nest. I wasn't sure if I did see a little head in the nest. It's a chilly morning for August (11 C) and the wind had a crispness to it. I imagined that if anyone was in the nest, they'd be hunkered down. I waited for what seemed like ages for an adult to fly in. 

I took my usual shot looking across the pond to my mountains in the distance. I got a couple of shots into the wetlands and the waterways.

I saw a dark lump that did not appear to be a tree branch. I zoomed in to find a heron perched on one leg. There must be lots to eat in the wetlands. 

I drove home with the sun in my eyes. I made a note to clean the inside of my windshield as the sunlight revealed a blurry view. 

With breakfast in hand, I arrived back home by 7:30.  It was a bit of long jaunt this morning, but I enjoyed watching the light come up. 

I'm home with the usual paperwork to keep me occupied.

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