A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Girls abroad

Well Haworth actually.

I’ve just given Eda her first copy of The Railway Children (which also has a CD they can play in the car), a much beloved book and film set in the Worth Valley so it was most appropriate that John suggested we went to Haworth this morning. It’s just a few miles away over the hill.

We parked at the bottom of the village and started in the park. The girls enjoyed the usual things but Eda particularly liked the small climbing wall onto the big slide.

Up through the park to the cobbled Main Street. Managed to negotiate a few shops without too much expense and then headed to Cobbles and Clay for lunch. Very busy as is to be expected in August even on a Monday but we did manage to get a table outside.
We chose to come here as it is always good and has a gluten free menu.
It has to be said that Eda most enjoyed making bubbies in her milk which gave her the giggles!
We had a very nice lunch and just about got away with it as far as the weather is concerned as there was a definite hint of dampness in the air!

Walked back down, blip, and then took the cobbled lane alongside the park to take a look at Haworth station from the footbridge. We were lucky to see a train, we’d heard one arriving, but it was a diesel not a steam train. 

Back home now and the parents are preparing for their return journey, the girls are enjoying a film on TV before an early evening meal to set them up for several hours on the road.
They will be able to listen to the Railway Children story in the car and picture some of the places in it.

A flying visit but I will be seeing them again early next month.

It will be interesting when they get home as building work began on their two second floor rooms a week ago. Hope it’s all going well.

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