
By DDon

Select August Date

So we have a visitor, and maybe a new family member. A couple of nights ago, this guy showed up at our back door. We had never seen him, so we fed him. He was very friendly, and acted as if he had been around people. He is huge, probably between 15-20 pounds. He rubs against my legs, and I even picked him up. We don’t know if he is a stray, if he has been dumped here, or if he belongs to someone close.

This morning, I got up, and there he was again. I fed him, petted him, and we bonded. After a couple of sightings close by, he disappeared for the day. I hope he hangs around, and that he and Peanut learn to cohabitate. He wants into the house, and seems friendly with Peanut, but I won’t let him in until we know the two can live together peacefully.

I named him Moe. He looked like a Moe, and even if he turns out to be a female, Moe will be a good name.

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