am bioran

By AmBioran

Cluny’s Cage and the Lancet Edge

I was here on a weekend in June 1990 and cast eyes on the Lancet Edge for the first time. Vowed to one day scramble up it. Today was the day.

And for good measure, I wasted a happy hour on the southern flanks of Ben Alder looking for Cluny’s Cage (Google it if interested). Pretty sure I found the vicinity if not the cage itself.

Over the summit of Ben Alder for my third visit before dropping down the Long Leachas ridge back to the bike and a ride back to the real world.

Short-eared owl
Mountain hare
Red Deer
Pair of Golden Eagles ✅

In the picture, the Lancet Edge is the shapely peak on the right, Ben Alder on the left.

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