Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess


Blipped on my way to the book festival to see Justified Sinner 200: Extraordinary Trash: A Theatre Essay, which was initially a little baffling as there were around three layers of pretence, starting with Hogg's novel which purports to be a memoir by an unknown author (I already knew about that one). However, I think I had more or less got the hang of it by the end and was intrigued by the more recent layers. And then, after the show had finished, the woman sitting next to me (who I had got talking to before the show started) told me that her son had acted Paul Bright, one of the parts a layer or two back, who was a fictitious character but pretended to be a real person and fooled some people. I did observe that she might not be telling the truth - but that I was pretty sure she was. That really rounded the show off for me!

Afterwards I went on a bit of a wander round the building which is where I mostly worked as a nurse, but I couldn't work out what used to be what. It's certainly a huge building - I wonder if the Futures Institute uses it all just now or whether they are allowing for expansion.

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