
By Tryfan46

Food, glorious food

The allotment association AGM this afternoon. Lovely day for it attended by many positive and supportive people. The date has been published for months yet less than half of the plotholders turned up. Too many people didn’t bother to reply to emails or notices. I’m sure they’ll be the first to complain when things go wrong for them.

In a more positive note, the Community Payback Scheme workers turned up today and put in a full shift, working hard all day and transforming parts of the site.

We invited them to join us for tea and cakes when they’d finished as our way of thanking them for their work. Very much appreciated by them as they rarely get feedback and quite a few said how much their work has helped their rehabilitation. So by helping us, we’ve enabled them to help themselves.

The photo today is of a trug created by one of our plotholders to be the centrepiece of our display in the Holy Cross Church Flower Festival over the Bank Holiday weekend. The theme is Musicals and we’re doing Oliver!.

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