
By hazelh

Nephews at the family celebration

Today we celebrated Mr hazelh's step-father's 80th birthday in Chichester. Our party of fourteen comprised all those present at the pub last night, plus Sarah's husband Al, my mother-in-law and the birthday boy, and our smallest nephews Xander and Freddie (blipped). There were also two dogs in attendance: Star (also in my blip), and Scampi (not 'Spanky'!)

The weather today has been glorious. We have spent most of our time together in the garden working our way through coffee/tea, Champagne, a fine luncheon spread (thank you M&S), birthday cake, and pre-dinner drinks. Our main entertainment was chatting with one another, and playing with the children/dogs. 

Late afternoon, Xander went home for an evening with the babysitter. Meanwhile the rest of us drove over to the yacht club for a leisurely supper - and more talking.

My 'car car' (rescued from the attic at Mummy hazelh's house in May) turned has turned out to be a big hit with Xander, as I had hoped (see the extra). Mr hazelh's step-father (Xander's grandfather) is going to do a Repair shop job on the vehicle over the winter. 

We had hoped that Xander might take his first steps today with all of us here to witness them, but he did not oblige.

Exercise today: none.

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