My Life With Luna

By chrisA

Typically I forgot to take my camera when Luna and I went to sit by the river earlier when I noticed a Heron on the opposite bank standing stock still like a statue.    I quickly went indoors, grabbed the camera and luckily he was still there when I went back.   I was privileged to witness and capture him waiting for his prey, dive into the river, catch a fish, turn it around in his beak and swallow it whole.    After a few minutes he gathered himself together and flew off down stream.   I must have taken around 50 photos and hope I've used the best to make this collage sequence of what I saw.
It was just 13 degrees and apparently foggy first thing, the temperature did rise to about 24 degrees this afternoon, but was much more comfortable.    Luna has been taking it easy this afternoon after a morning of non stop play with Arthur.   Charlie made my heart pound when he stumbled on the edge of the river bank, fortunately he fell away from the water, I didn't really relish the idea of an early morning dip to help  get him out.

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