
By carliewired

86 F/ 30 C

We're in a cooling
trend....does that mean summer is 
over for this year?


I had a bit of a sleep-in this morning. I woke up at 7:15, so unlike me! I scrambled into my clothes so the morning didn't get away without me entirely. I'd already decided I would drive up the hill to Paul Lake.

It was cloudy and a bit smoky when I drove away from the house. I wasn't encouraged to take photos with all looking so grey. Mt. Peter was wearing a grey hood as I drove past its foothills. 

The horses were elusive. I could see them far above on the slopes through my telephoto lens. So, I continued up the hill to the community of Paul Lake on the west side of the lake. 

It was rather quiet there for a Saturday morning. The weekend fishermen were just starting to arrive. There is a small and cramped boat launch beside the road. I watched a couple unload, then park their vehicles and trailers. 

I caught an unidentified duck having a great splash in the lake. I saw some movement in the osprey nest beside the road. When I zoomed in I was disappointed to find two crows picking over the nest. I took note of the forest fire hazard sign. I watched a fisherman trying to start his boat motor on the lake. 

I headed back down the winding road to home. I caught some horses and cattle along the fence line but on opposite sides of the road. The horses were trotting through the sagebrush while the cattle were galloping along kicking up a dust storm in the dry grass. 

Just before the highway, I looked up to see an eagle perched on high tension wires. That was my last stop before home.

Picked up breakfast for myself and my daughter before crossing the bridge. I'm in for the day and hoping it will remain a quiet one. 

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