
By KathyH58


It's that time of year when all the interesting fungi start popping up at Shubie Park. I haven't been there for a few months and I thought I would do one of the shorter loops tonight, then found out that one bridge is blocked due to construction. I ended up going to another parking lot and doing a short loop from there, just not the same one that I had planned to do.
A good day at work, despite a little mixup yesterday. I had ordered some pea gravel to be delivered yesterday afternoon so it would be ready for us this morning. Later in the afternoon I had an email from my customer to say that the pea gravel had been dropped in the neighbor's driveway. I called my supplier (she decided her 4 looked like a 9), they went over in the evening with a loader and moved the gravel to the correct driveway. At another job the guys started removing some dead shrubs, then they found a hornet nest in the ground, so had to stop. The customer will get someone to spray it this weekend. Then everyone came over here and did some weeding, so that is one job that won't have to be done next week.
It looks like the only effect we will see from Ernesto is some big waves on Sunday and Monday. I guess that I will be going wave watching.

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