
By fennerpearson

Lindsay Reade

We worked from the AirBnB, today, which has turned out to be a real find, so thanks to Shirley, the AirBnB owner who let us down!

I did nip out for a run at lunchtime, as I won't be able to do tomorrow's training run. I was worried that doing a second six miles in two days would aggravate my knee but, thankfully, no problem at all. 

I am enjoying the structure of the training app's exercises, though. Yesterday was an 'easy 6.2', which is basically just going for a run, but today was an initial couple of miles and then alternating fast and slow distances, which served to alleviate the boredom of running along the canal. 

And this evening's entertainment, back at the Trades, was an interview with Lindsay Reade, who was married to Tony Wilson, and was an (undersung) influence in the early development of Factory Records. 

She was promoting her new book, 'A Continual Farewell', which is based around the letters and notes that Wilson sent her. She's not a natural raconteur but once she'd warmed up a little it was an interesting evening. 

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