
By fennerpearson

View from the Assheton Arms

I'd arranged to take the train up to Clitheroe, this afternoon, for a walk and a late lunch with a chap called Steve, who is the vice-Chair of Trustees at school.

However, the weather was so grim that he suggested we bin the walk and head straight to the beers and food. Well, that sounded fine to me!

Steve is a few years older than me and he's also passionate about music. He was a regular gig goer in his youth, so when I was telling him about the Lindsay Reade event, last evening, he revealed that he went to the Russell Club where Factory held its early events! To be honest, I couldn't have been happier: sat in a pub, with the rain on the windows, having a beer, and talking about music with someone as interesting as Steve. 

And while we were chatting away, by an amazing coincidence, one of the other Trustees from school walked in!

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