
By SparseRunner


A chaotic start to the morning began when I was waiting for a call with my genetics collaborator G and our researcher J. I received an email from J to say that they'd got the bus to the "Roslin Institute" stop near Roslin, only to discover that the Roslin Institute is now (and has been for 15 years) at Easter Bush 3km away. This compounded (but highlighted!) my error in completely forgetting to contact G to arrange the in-person meeting I'd promised to J! Fortunately A had not yet left for work, so she gave me a lift to the Roslin Institute and I arrived just after J. 

After a very productive 40-minute meeting with G and J, I left and decided to take the nearby Turf zones. One is behind the Royal (Dick) Vet (see extra) in front of which is "Canter horse" by Andy Scott - creator of The Kelpies. Then, thanks to the "marauders' map" that is the Turf app (see extra), I spotted Penicuik Turfer Aibo - who works at the campus. No sooner had I met up with her, but the other Penicuik Turfer Hodge turned up! He was just Turfing... 

If anyone's curious, in the extra, my avatar is green - wearing the crown I picked up in Canada - the green zone is the one I'd just taken (with the clock indicating that it's blocked from being taken by any other Turfer for 22:45 minutes after me) and the other zone is the one that I'd taken with Aibo. It's red because she took it - I just "assisted". Hodge has a top hat because he's in Turf League 1...

After blagging a lift home with Hodge, I managed to arrange a meeting next week at the industrial sponsor (Kraken - part of the Octopus Energy Group) of my new PhD student. Their base is in Manchester, and I'll be visiting anyway to have two days at the test match, so I avoid a special journey. 

After lunch I got back to programming.

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