
By flavia13


A lovely day weather-wise.  As you can see we are celebrating our 49th wedding anniversary today.  I can't believe it - were did all that time go. 

I chose this  photo because it's a relaxing fun one.  Hubby chose the one in extras as it shows his stripe, of which he is very proud.   We were married in Hubby's home town of Weston-super-Mare because my Mum and Dad had only moved up to Morecambe  a few months before and my family would travel if a party was involved.  It was also easy for everyone to get to.  

In the main photo you can also see Hubby's Dad behind him and my Aunty Freda - also my Mum's left hand.  I do remember the photographer saying - "confetti now" - well my family didn't need telling twice, especially the Puffetts and Krauesslers!!!!!

So what have done today - taken a supermarket home delivery and some general computer tidying up  - now isn't that exciting!!!  Actually we are going down to Thyme Out tonight for a Greek meal.  We did think of going further afield but we haven't been to Thyme Out for an evening meal for a couple of years so we just fancied it for a change.  

I hope these photos are allowed - because although they are 49 years old and technically a photographer's photo, I took a photo of the photo so I'm hoping that counts!!!

That's it from me for today.  Do take care and I will see you all tomorrow.

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