Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

Just a quick blip of the palm in the back yard. I always enjoy the shadows it makes.

Going down to San Francisco to see family and friends. It'll be considerably cooler there and everyone has reminded me to bring a sweater as the summer fog will be blanketing SF as usual. I won't be blipping while I'm away (back blips when I get home) but will try and check in with your journals.

I started a journal of Naboo and Doyle pictures, madness, I know, but I photograph them every day, so why not? Their journal is here if you have any interest. Hubby said he'd try to photograph the kits while I'm away.

The update I have on LC is that her microchip has no information attached to it. The folks that bothered to have a chip implanted never entered their contact info into the national database. We still don't know her health status. We are going to continue to check in every day with the shelter and follow her progress. The shelter has made a little video of her in which she looks just fine, she sniffs the camera and appears unfazed by things which is comforting to see. I am relieved she's in the best place to help her right now and that she's safe from predators and the hot temperatures outside.

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