
By Hillyblips


Like a Phoenix rising  from the ashes/grasses she came out and I thankfully got her - only 2 shots mind you but I only needed one. 

Spookily and unusually I had nothing in my diary today. Initially I thought, 'Great'  but spookily and unusually I much prefer being busy. 

Dog training is not going well and taking Poppy with me for moral support was not the answer as I had to carry her a good way though Millie did seem to get the idea - well no - some possible inkling of an idea to be fair. The upshot of the walk was Millie wasn't worn out but I was and Poppy well honestly it was too much for her and me.

Setting up the tent that had been taken down for the party proved difficult in the wind. Millie sat in a corner inside initially but and this may have been the problem, sat outside with a beady eye on anything landing.


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