
By Incredibish

Berkeley Fallow Deer Herd

This morning was spent in an office with South Gloucestershire planners, discussing how best to provide sports facilities for a hugely enlarged village, if they were to Permit two large housing developments. 

We perhaps surprised them by offering a detailed eleven page document outlining the minimum needs we would have to see implemented before any development could be considered. 

The best part was that all our arguments were presented through paragraphs taken from various South Gloucestershire Council documents and the comments of Planning inspectors...

Anyhow... building continues, and the Inspector called again today and was content. The mission creep appears to have solidified into a detailed plan, and I'm having to consider whether I will have to go back to work. ;-)

This evening, the photography group nipped over to Ham and walked the hill on which the Berkeley herd live. The hill is filled not only with deer, but with signs forbidding passage "beyond this point", but we managed.

I took nearly 300 shots, and it's too late to go through them all, but I particularly like this image. And the extra... Ooh, 3500 blips!

It was taken after the Sun had dropped but before the light had disappeared, and I like the mish mash of vegetation in the pre-focus foreground, over which the herd view us with some suspicion...

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