
By Mikey88


As my car's MOT runs out at the end of the month and there is no chance of it getting through another one without spending a minimum of ten times what it is worth, I popped into Plymouth to see about a replacement. Second hand petrol Passats seem to be few and far between, but the dealer managed to find one - in Surrey!

It seemed to be ok, so they are going to get it to Plymouth and then I can have a test drive and see what I think. Be sad to lose my current car - we've had it a long time and it's done a lot of miles. Still, all things wear out in the end.

On the way back from the garage, I went via the river to have an hour taking pictures of insects in the butterfly meadow. On my arrival, I saw this chap fishing down river from the car park. I've taken lots of pictures from this point, but having the human figure shows just how tremendous the slope is on the other side of the river - and this picture only shows about half the height of the slope.

I also got some nice insect pictures, but decided on this one for a change, as I don't take many pictures of people.

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