
By MarilynParker

Hospital appointment

Had my Dermatology appointment. When I checked in for it I was told initially that I didn't have an appointment but she found it eventually. Saw a Dr Macbeth and she was lovely. Very thorough,  understanding, helpful and reassuring. She has prescribed a number of things, is referring me for patch tests and has given me some advice on things to try etc. she explained all the prescribed items really well. 
I was told the prescription would be 30 to 40 minutes so i grabbed a cappuccino and went out into the gardens to pass the time. After 35 minutes I checked to see if it was ready and was told "it won't be long now". It was another 35 minutes (they seemed busy to be fair) and then they told me one item is outstanding and they will contact me when it's in stock, hopefully tomorrow. 
When I came out I bumped into Terry's sister who'd been to ENT so we had a chinwag while we waited for our lifts.
It's been a sunny day and the temp in the shade reached over 24C in our back garden. The washing dried fast.
I've not done a lot today (pegged out washing, did a bit of weeding, swept up some hedgehog poo) yet I needed a nap late afternoon!
Our hibiscus in the front garden has usually been flowering a while by this time of year but today was the first day any of its flowers opened. 
I had a wicked sore throat late afternoon so I did a COVID test this evening but it was negative. It's probably due to reflux. Paracetamol has helped so I think and hope it may be better tomorrow.

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