
By ArcLight

Up into Sutherland

I largely took today off. It would have been rude not to. It was a lovely day and we had the opportunity to make progress on a number of fronts in the garden. This included sitting out on the bench at the front of the house with a cup of tea this morning when it was very hot indeed! Plus, it was Dornoch market day and that has been sadly lacking in our itineraries this year (although it was only me that went this time). However, I did have to log on to a meeting this afternoon, which went well. Essentially, the first meeting of the next academic year....

After the success of building the wee wall yesterday, Mr A backfilled that bed and then went up to the garden centre for a couple of plants for the new bed. I got a couple more from the lady from Corry Croft nursery, who was at Dornoch Market. I also picked up some fish from Pro Fish, some game burgers and sausages from Seafield Game, sausage rolls and a Tea Loaf from White Croft Bakery, and large quantities of rapeseed oil from Cullisse. It was a successful if pricey trip. I stopped on the bridge on the way home to get a blip (I'd intended to photograph the market, but was so intent on making purchases I completely forgot...duh).

Aside from planting, there was a fair amount of stone removal, watering and feeding of the garden, and then - after we'd taken delivery of a new toy in the afternoon which Mr A had insisted on buying (but not using) - some tidying up of the patio using an outdoor vacuum cleaner....Noisy but effective. What we haven't done yet is clean the stone over by the bed we've been working on. That needs to be done tomorrow. Then I might well blip the results, although Mr A has already been on the case.

After all of that, there was some sitting out the back (with a glass of something...), and I missed out on going to yoga. It was such nice weather and we both felt so satisfied by our garden time that it didn't seem appropriate to rush away to yoga.

While the days have been getting noticeably shorter recently, at least they been warmer and basically dry. Finally, a bit of summer!

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