
By LadyFindhorn

En Route to the Slip

The sun couldn’t quite get its hat on securely this morning. It tried it on at 6am but by the time I was making my way along to meet the Selkies at 8am it was slipping off with ominous clouds on the horizon. However it managed to stick it back on shortly afterwards and we had a wonderfully hot sunny morning with no wind which meant the swimming clobber dried on the line really quickly.

Later, I sat outside at Julia’s with my coffee watching all the tourist buses arriving from the huge cruise ship docked in Kirkwall and the passengers alighting looking a trifle dazed wondering what boxes should be ticked in Stromness before they got back on their buses to be shuttled  round Skara Brae , the Ring of Brodgar and the Italian Chapel.
It was only a hop skip and a jump for me then to visit a Selkie newly returned from over a month in the Med and fearful of flinging herself back in the cold northern waters. I’ve persuaded her the sooner the better- she may or  may not join us tomorrow morning.

Now as I write, the wind has picked up and although the sun’s hat is at a rakish angle, it is still cheerily bright.
 I am waiting to picked up by the Cheeky Monkey Taxi Service for a jaunt into deepest darkest Orphir and supper with the main man and his side kick. It’s all happening this week, I imagine there will be fallow times ahead. I’ll keep you posted.

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