
By Ellem


Tootsie looks quite aghast at the thought of sharing a name with those odd looking things :-)) Don’t blame her to be honest - not exactly summer ready tootsies…
Good bike ride this morning despite being blinded by the sun on the way to Costa. Had toast with my coffee today as I was doing a quick turnaround when I got back to go out and meet some friends for coffee in town. Went into town on the bus with another friend and we had a good catch up with one friend we see at our monthly coffee and Blether gatherings and another we’d not seen for about 40 years.
Then it was home for some lunch and some Tootsie play time. After my friend left I couldn’t be bothered doing much so I didn’t, just walked up to Morrisons for some veg for tea and spent the rest of the evening watching TV - Celebrity Masterchef is back and as much as I find a couple of them intensely irritating I think I’ll stick with it.

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