
By Ellem

Shepherd’s Delight

What a beautiful sky tonight!
Didn’t get out on my bike this morning because of the rain so had a bit of a lie in then spent quite a long time checking SD cards and USBs of photos to see what was on them and uploading them to my laptop.
I was hoping to find photos that we’ve not seen for a while of my youngest sister because she had a significant birthday coming up and I’ll use them to decorate the bunting for her garden party and then make up an album for her.
I must have looked at thumbnails of about 5000 photos in the end (a lot of duplicates from previous attempts at organising them) and my eyes are very tired now… But I found plenty of photos of both my sister and my eldest son who also has a significant birthday this year and I’m sure his kids will enjoy seeing photos of him when he was young. He’ll hate them but hey-ho :-))
Went out for a quick walk later in the afternoon as the weather cleared up and it was really quite warm so I sat outside for a bit before tea.
Hoping for a nice sunny day tomorrow so I can get out on my bike, sets me up for the day :-)

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