Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers


Stomach tangling is one of my least favourite feelings. I'm sat wearing boxers that were never mine, but I love them.

I am off out to get a prescription for my mam, she's not well and i'm really worried. Had the doctor round this morning and I sat outside and cried listening to Grieves.

I am too hot, I wish it was acceptable to put some underwear and a shirt on, like this, and cycle down the village to get a prescription but apparently not.

On a happier note I had a fucking mint time in Shields on Saturday, I stayed out for Lori Pitcher's Birthday, she's lovely as hell, met her new boyfriend, met up with my Lovely Laura Burns, who is the sweetest thing! Saw Becca in bar 44, then again in Beach, I ended up with Adam and Amy where I was staying, and thats when things got interesting.

Toni was there, who went to Maga with Paige (who wasn't out on Saturday sadly) and so was some of the other lovely lads like Louis who's so so gay and camp but he loves my accent so we all snuggled and I told stories.

Amy's mam rachel took me to the ambient room when was already off my nut, which is a little room under the stairs with a red light filter and candles and incense proper mental, we had lines off a cd case of Bubble and were tripping like mad together in the warm red light.

Seeing Bethan again tomorrow, can't wait. We're going swimming in the river and then having Bifty and Booze. Love me bezzie! qtpie.


Look at me now, dodging forever, spending a fortune to figure it out.
I don't believe it, never learnt how, but all of this pressure is driving me

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