Wendy's World

By Wendles56


We've been to the Railway Museum in York today, briefly meeting with Euan's Nana who unfortunately had to return home after a half hour or so to unwell Grandad.

Euan loved the Discovery Centre in the Museum. It was busy but entry numbers are limited and it is large enough to easily absorb the capacity so Euan didn't miss out on anything. There were all kinds of pulleys and marble runs with balls that you could hoist up or fit in a giant circle or crank and then watch them zoom around the pipes and guess where they would emerge. There were interactive walls and interactive sand and I'm not going to even begin to explain that one, mind boggling?  Everything Science based which is right up Euan's street. We finally had to put him on the timer to get a lunch break and a sit down! Another hour or so after lunch and then home to some downtime whilst Tony attempted to build the rollercoaster brought from the inevitable gift shop, and I prepped lasagne for dinner.

After dinner there was crazy garden watering which resulted in a very happy, very wet Euan, so it was into the bath and he's now asleep, and I'm getting an early night!

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