Dolly's Day

By dollydoug

" The Fog On The Tyne Is All Mine All Mine "

The Mono Monday theme today is " memory".  Ive gone back to the 1970's/1980's for my memory. The LP records in my blip are by local band Lindisfarne.  " Nicely Out Of Tune " - released in 1970, " Fog On The Tyne " released in 1971 and Dingly Dell - released in 1972. My memory is of going to the famous Lindisfarne Christmas Concerts at The City Hall in Newcastle. They started in 1978 and went on for many years.  There were 132 shows in total over the years. I went a few times. 

Lindisfarne were noted for doing lots of encores and I always stayed till the very end - even though I knew I would have missed the last bus home.  So I would go to the taxi rank at the Central Station where I would join hundreds of other LIndisfarne fans who had also missed their last bus home. I never had to get a taxi home by myself as people in the queue would be asking around to see where you were going and then you would get in a taxi with a group who were going to the same place so you could share the fare. Travelling back to my village in the company of fellow fans was a good way to end the evening.  Happy Days.  Thanks to 60plus for hosting the challenge. 

Ive added an Extra of a photo that was taken at one of the concerts - maybe I was in the audience????????

I was still waiting for some test results from the spirometry and the scan I had in July so I decided to phone the Heath Centre to see if they were available.  Got through after a long wait..  Both were OK.  However as Im still getting discomfort the receptionist suggested I see a GP.  First appointment with the GP I saw originally was for the 20th September. 

I also asked for a GP appointment to discuss pain relief for my sore back/hips/knees.  However the receptionist said that as I was " under " a consultant for osteoporosis I should speak to the consultants secretary at the hospital and they might be able to prescribe something - or advise my GP what to prescribe.  So I phoned the number she gave me.  The secretary at the hospital said " osteoporosis is a painless disease and if you are getting pain ... see your GP ".  Well.... that's what I was trying to do in the first place!.

So I phoned the health centre again.... 4th in the queue.  Waited 20 mins, got to number one in the queue and was cut off.   Tried again.... number 6 in the queue.  Had enough by now and got ready to go out.  Just before I left I thought I would have one more try .... got through  after a few mins.   Earliest appointment 16th September.  If I want anything  sooner I have to phone up on the day and see if there's any appointments going.  Hopefully I will be able to wait till September.

After all that I was glad to get outdoors into the fine weather and have a leisurely walk to the village to do some food shopping.  When  got back I sat on the patio for a while with a cold drink.  Very pleasant.

Steps today - 5,566

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