
By spannarama

Job done

A Cairn Conservation morning.  I got to help finish building this wall (which is helping support the footpath above it), which was very satisfying.  The other volunteers had already built about two thirds of it over a couple of past sessions, before they ran out of stone.  Our contact at the council had kindly arranged for another load of stone to be delivered for us in the meantime - as you can see, a lot of it was much chunkier! 

The more I go and help out at the Cairn, the more I realise how much I like the other volunteers.  I really enjoy our chats and banter, and although we're all quite different really, we do have a lot in common too.

Had some lunch when I got home, and a bit of a rest, then finished sorting stuff out in the guest room, and storing things in the loft - which thankfully didn't take too long.  Had a bit of Xbox time, too :)

It was a really warm day - absolutely perfect for an evening sitting in the summer house.  So we did :)  We'd been watching the sunset and the bats for a while, and then the lightning started, and the thunder, and the rain came down.  So cool sitting watching it from our cosy den!  It did start raining in slightly at one point though, so we just closed the doors and carried on watching through them :)

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