The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

A salubrious residence

The colour is straight out of camera! The heat was quite intense too. I went to Stonehouse in the morning to see some clients, and ended up walking around town with one of them. When I got back to the office the air con was on, which was refreshing. 

Met an acquaintance after work. I'm not sure if we have much in common any more. Oh! And two cousins rang up to ask if they could pop over to see me this afternoon. I had to break it to them that I was working. They thought I'd be on scholl holidays, which I haven't had for three years. Even then, I'd work or go house sitting, but anyway , I just said no. Unavoidable. 

When I got home, I ended up meeting someone else in the cemetery, and agreeing to house sit and dog walk for her next week. I don't need to do it, but it would make a change. Of course, if she finds someone else who really needs a place to stay, I'll drop out. 

And now, back to the  pleasures of Monday evening. What are they ? Sitting down, maybe, and not thinking about work.

PS I have now caught up on all my back blios from my holidays.

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