
By Veronica

Hit and miss

I arrived at the amphitheatre to find that tonight's show had been inexplicably moved to the village hall, despite the fact that it was a warm and almost windless evening. Hmph. I walked up there and found quite a crowd, and the show already started -- despite doors being opened on two sides it was boiling hot and stuffy. 

The show, Le Tir Sacré, is described as "a duo that plays with musicality and sports commentary". I guess it was felt to be topical. After ten minutes I found the heat unbearable, so I went and stood outside the open door, from where I had a better view anyway. I took a few photos ... it didn't improve, so after another ten minutes I decided to go home.

I wished I'd brought my phone with me, as none of the streetlights were working and there was only a sliver of moon. Thanks largely to familiarity with my surroundings I managed to blunder my way through pitch darkness back to civilisation without tripping over anything or falling into flowerbeds.

I would say this tir (shot) was very much a miss! Judge for yourself -- there's a video teaser here.

Earlier ... lovely swim, and community lunch on the square saved doing any cooking.

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