Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Windy again

Here is the barley in the wind. It grows in the field behind my garden.

Good news (I think). I let my lens rest overnight, then cleaned the contacts. (They did not look dirty.) It seems to be working again. (Heart in mouth.)

I've been packing today. Joan is coming to look after Oscar, Daisy, the birds and the house for me.  Oscar did not come in last night, but I saw a glimpse of him in the garden today. How do cats know.? I did not retrieve the suitcase from the loft until this morning!

I finally reproofed my jacket and washed my walking socks. All should be OK by tomorrow.

My friends Maureen and Brian are in a Care Home. Brian fell yesterday and has fractured a hip. He had surgery today. I was surprised because he is already on end of life care for cancer. There is not enough information for me to make sense of it. So hard for them both.

Hopefully I will remember all I need for the walking holiday. Back home very soon so I think I can cope with that. Quite excited really.

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