Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Lens disaster

I dropped my lovely 90mm macro lens in the garden this afternoon. I was comparing images taken with this lens with those taken at 400mm on my 100 - 400mm lens.

The lens fell on the lawn, but it is pretty hard after the dry weather. The camera is no longer recognising the lens. Deep breath.

This image of a perennial geranium was taken before the disaster. The project came to a sudden halt.

I was in Hexham this morning to see a Spinal Surgeon about my back problems. I liked him immensely. He listened to me, explained the results of my tests and suggested options for the way forward. I have decided to have a diagnostic injection into the spine rather than put up with the discomfort. I'd like to be able to sit comfortably at the computer again.

After that, I met up with Kay and Eric for lunch. Salute was very busy and they said that food would take 30 minutes. We promised to return on another day, but retreated to the Tans restaurant. It's lovely in there and we enjoyed our lunch. 

Eric (who you will remember needed a pacemaker recently) has had a 6 week check and has been sent away for 12 months, so all good there.

I called to see the other Marjorie, but she was out for lunch. I spoke to her later on the phone.

It's been hot today and very windy again.

Off to research new/second hand lenses. That was an expensive drop.

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