
By spannarama


Poor Tim had to have a tooth out today.  I drove him to Braunton at lunchtime, dropped him off at the dentist's, and had a little wander around the village.  Very nice it was too (for me, not for poor Tim!)  I popped into the Co Op and bought him some soup and yoghurt, had a look round a couple of other shops, and went in the Braunton Countryside Centre, which was great.  I bought a little booklet of walks around Braunton Burrows, and am looking forward to coming back and using it.

I waited at the recreation grounds for the last few minutes, soaking up the sun, sitting on a bench there, then drove Tim home when he was ready.  Came back and carried on working - but did pop out again mid-afternoon to buy some gauze at the pharmacy for him, as his toothy hole was bleeding.  Thankfully it did stop after a while.  I blended up some home made soup for him for dinner, and we had a nice gentle evening.

(Oh, and the sparrows - they came by in the morning, in a big old gang.  Looks like a new batch of babies - at least one of them was being fed by an adult.)

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