Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Hello Lovely Blippers,

We realise it’s quite late for our Silly Saturday Blip, but some of us wanted to go with the HCBs to their appointments at Leightons this afternoon, so we all had a quiet morning.

Well, we say “all” but some of the Gang were helping Mrs. HCB when she decided to clean the bathroom and then they said they were too tired to come and wanted to stay at home.  We think that they wanted to watch the Olympics, and that was just an excuse, but we decided to do what it says in the “Frozen” song and “Let it Go”!

So just the élite few went to Leightons and we had a great time with Lauren, Kate and Andy.  You can see we tried on lots of glasses because that’s what Leightons are - opticians - but it was only for fun and a bit of silliness, which we know that Admirer would have loved.

You might also see an addition to the Gang just for today - in the shape of Batfrey the Bat - apparently he is a vampire bat, but as Lauren, his new owner said, “It’s a bit early for Halloween!”  However, we told her that the HCBs don’t “do” Halloween so that was even sillier, but we still allowed him to be part of the Silly Saturday Gang, just for today.

Mrs. HCB had an eye test done by Gill, who was very thorough and she was told that she had 20/20 vision now, but would still need glasses for reading.  She then chose some new reading glasses - very light ones, made of titanium no less - ably assisted by Andy.  However, Mr. HCB didn’t need new glasses, which is a relief because Mrs. HCB’s weren’t the cheapest in the shop!!

We hope you are remembering to BE KIND because the HCBs and Admirer would be glad to know that - and as we always say, you never know what someone is going through and you being kind might be just what they need.

Hopefully all the Gang will be back next week - so until then, 
sending love to you all from 
Part of the Silly Saturday Gang xxx

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