
By LadyFindhorn


You might think a lesson was learned yesterday after being blown off course while swimming, but you would be so wrong. Another Selkie and I headed in the right direction into the strong wind but while having a fascinating dialogue about calcium absorption, as you do in the middle of the sea, and not concentrating on what was happening we suddenly saw that without any effort on our part we were many yards out and on the other side of the buoy and heading towards Graemsay. We weren’t really in any danger but it took a bit of effort to get back to the slip against the wind and waves.

It was a variable morning weather wise but after lunch the sun broke through and I’m now sitting in the garden doing the crossword having gone along the Street to collect the paper which doesn’t arrive in these airts until 1:30pm.

The Hamnavoe ferry from Scrabster glided in 15 minutes ago carrying its cargo of holiday makers, the sea is a shimmering blue , Orphir lies undulating in the sun across the water and to my right Hoy stands guard to Hamnavoe behind what I like to think is a heat haze.
The cormorants are drying their wings on the derelict pier outside the Red Shed the former life boat station. The wind has died down and I’m sitting in a sheltered corner of the garden. All’s right with the world……. well here anyway.

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