
By soozsnapz

Vipers bugloss

Which I grew from seed. A bit untidy but I love it. 
Spent an ordinary day, gardening, reading, going to Tesco for a few things in preparation for going away for a few days. A lot of listening to news based podcasts.  Everything seems so much more positive after Wednesday night. Back to believing in most people again. 
In the evening, the Friday night Film Club ( me and my two friends in Orkney) watched our strangest film yet. Called The Ornithologist - a recent Portuguese film set in the Douro valley - about a lost bird watcher who gradually seems to turn into St Anthony. Surreal and weird.  More religious allusions and imagery than I could possibly understand.  The birds (many) and the scenery is wonderful, and I was glad I’d watched it, though I could have done without the blood. I think we knew we were letting ourselves in for a strange experience when we saw the film grossed £74,000 at the box office:-))

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