
By soozsnapz

A nice surprise

My dil gave me her blueberry plants, as they weren’t doing well.  They’re currently in pots in my front garden, waiting to go to my allotment. I almost didn’t notice this well camouflaged little soul. My phone tells me it’s a speckled bush cricket. Delighted to see it, and I hope it does well.  It’s only about one foot from the road. I’m sorry it’s not that good a photo - zooming on my phone isn’t brilliant.  But I really wanted a record of such a special sighting. 
The blueberries are recovering well, with lots of new growth, so I hope for berries next year:)
Had a funny day - not too bad. I went to IKEA to find out what to do about a shelving unit which was delivered with the uprights bent and split.  I have to say they have excellent customer service - the problem was easily resolved, replacement parts will be delivered to me. I went to my hairdresser, now located on the outskirts of east Bristol.  On the way back I drove through Stapleton Road, West Street and Old Market. All the boards over the windows had either been removed or were being taken down.  Back to its usual lovely vibrant self. Though tough for the shopkeepers. A hairdressers shop (friend of my hairdresser) had to spend £500 on boarding up.  Not easy for a small business. 

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