
By Bom

AOG - Day 12 Bee Slalom

Another day focussing on the insects at the Alternative Olympics Games. A super fast performance by Sid the Sweat Bee in the Bee Slalom around the centre of the water lily in the pond.  That was another gold for the bees, adding to the gold won earlier by Hetty the Honey Bee in the Flower Visiting Race (see Extra).  Not a good day for the Elephant Hawk moths, not helped by their habit of snacking before racing (see Extra).

Another nice day, still a bit windy. I went into town first thing to get some advice from the pharmacist to help calm down the reaction to my bee sting a couple of days ago. I was doing the right things anyway, taking a Piriton antihistamine and using antihistamine cream. Between times I find a cold compress works best, then calamine lotion. Thanks for the advice, good to try different things. I did the Bayfield Bird Walk with G this afternoon, and we both enjoyed a cooling and refreshing gooseberry Ronaldo ice cream at Natural Surroundings. I've enjoyed watching the Olympics, the heptathlon this morning, then a very exciting climbing event where a 19 year old from Team GB looked so shocked to win gold, plus a bit of track cycling this afternoon. 

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