
By KateH

Georgia O Keefe lilies

I planted a lot of lily bulbs in pots and they’ve done well.  This one was leaning against a wall and I moved it into a more prominent position but I should have staked it as both heads snapped.  I decided to cut my losses (literally) and bring it inside and now am glad I did as it is beautiful although inevitably fleeting.  

Role reversal, took V to the station this morning.  Stopped by at Durleighmarsh to pick up some veg and the cornucopia of produce practically glowed.  Arrived home feeling at one with the harvest. 

Worked in the house today as V away and I felt the dog enjoyed it.  We had a decent lunchtime walk as it was quite cool for him.  I walked and listened to The Rest is Politics analysing the hate-riots and felt depressed by it.  Picked up V again and did some quick errands in Petersfield before coming home to do a call that didn’t happen. 

Another episode of Fallout and then watched a bit of news - incredibly heartening to see so many communities turn out to push back at the vile riots. I hope that is more who we are…

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