Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


I went into the office with my day planned. Work - office lunch - then run some errands as I drove back home, but it all changed when I checked my emails to find lunch had been cancelled - at 8 PM last night. No reason was given; just cancelled. I will not go into details here but needless to say, I was really miffed. Had I known who was organising it, I would have declined.

I decided to come home for lunch and finish the work day here. That worked well. I heard from the workshop about my amp which they are tackling for the third time. They have found a workaround until they secure the part, so I can have it at home while they keep searching. It took about an hour to wire everything up again and then - ta-da - it WORKS! Extremely well, I might add - for the first time in over 10 years. To say I am thrilled is an understatement. When the Olympics are over, there will be more TV - OFF, music - ON. I finished my testing by listening to the A side of SweetArt's Deniece Williams LP record "Neicy". A better end to the day than the start, and lucky me, the lift was working when I needed it!

I'd never noticed how skewed the lines of the DWTC's reflection appeared on the building opposite us.

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