Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Great Orange Tip

Different to the UK orange tips, these Great Orange Tips are found in south and south-east Asia, southern China and Japan. Beautiful creatures. 
As you can tell, I spent another morning at the Butterfly House. It’s been a cooler morning with some rain so not a great deal of flying, but lots of new species emerging this week which is cool. 

So much stuff to do in the garden but I can’t tear myself away from the Olympics, so it will have to wait until next week. 

Loving Laura Kenny and Chris Hoy giving their opinions on the cycling. Well done to the men’s team pursuit getting the silver - so close to beating Australia to the gold but it wasn’t to be. But great that the women’s team pursuit were able to win a well earned bronze against the Italians. 
And Matt Hudson Smith just couldn’t hang on long enough for gold, but wins silver in the 400m in a new PB and NR - well done!
It’s been a good day. 

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