There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Double Eagle / At the Lily Pond

We decided to go into town. My husband had errands that I did not need to be part of. So he would drop me off at the Arboretum. As we left the house, though, we spotted the most amazing sight of the day: two bald eagles eating their breakfast in a field not two minutes from our house! 

I'm not sure what their prey was, but I saw a feather, so I think it was some kind of bird. The two eagles were different sizes. The one on the left was much bigger, and seemed dominant. I believe it was a female. The one on the right was smaller, and I believe it may have been a male, or a juvenile.

The Arboretum was full of flowers, and the lily pond did not disappoint. I got some fine reflection photos, and it was a real treat (see photo in the extras). Oh, and as I sat there on a bench snapping pictures, a man walked by and said Hello. I looked up to see PSU coach James Franklin and another person walking by!

I have two pictures so here are two soundtrack songs: for my shot above, Duran Duran, with A View To a Kill. And for the lily pond shot, where a famous person said hello, I've got Lionel Richie and Jennifer Nettles, with Hello.

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