A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Back and front

of Saltaire.
The delightful Victorian terrace houses built by philanthropist Sir Titus Salt for his mill workers in Saltaire, the world heritage site village named after him, are probably familiar to many people. But each street has a narrow alley behind it with backyards and of course the ubiquitous wheelie bin.  It wouldn’t have looked very different in the 19 the century except the bins would have been metal.

This shot is taken from the top of the alley between houses on George Street and the Alms houses on Victoria Road. We were parked on Gordon Terrace at the top of the historic village to deliver books and jigsaws to the Children’s Society book shop and a bag full of clothing to their general charity shop a few doors on. We had a coffee before I took these shots and returned home. Quite an overcast day and there was  a cool wind this morning.

When I looked in the fridge this morning there were 4 bottles of milk. We are lucky to still have bottled milk delivered to our door but having agreed to cancel today's delivery I was very surprised that our note had been ignored. After living here over 40 years for the first time ever in all that time the milk had been left on the front doorstep instead of at the back, kitchen door!!

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