A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


I nearly got a butterfly picture today. There have been a few over the last few days flitting around the garden but non have settled on the Buddleias but today Chris had two to rescue in the green house, a Comma and a Peacock. He managed to capture them both safely and release them. I did take a shot of the Peacock against the roof but against the light and the dirty glass it wasn’t very good so you have Rudbeckia!

These were a kind gift from a neighbour whose house I pass on the way to the village. I admired them and she gave some to Chris. I’ve planted these - Black Eyed Susans and other varieties before but, although perennials, they never come back. Fingers crossed this time.

Usual Pilates and lunch at the garden centre again today, a pleasant sunny day.

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