Marsupium Photography

By magi

Edinburgh View

Our friend took us into Edinburgh and dropped us off near the Midmar allotments. I enjoyed a walk around Blackford Pont and up Blackford Hill. The sun was shining and the view was great as always. I could see one of those huge cruise ships berthed in Leith. I dropped into my old work place at KB. Nobody was in. Onwards into town. I met Max in Leith. He had an appointment to buy a kilt. He selected a Rothesay tartan. I suspect he will be invited to all the family dos. Rowan joined us and we took the tram back into town. I really enjoyed the ride. It's nice to see it running after watching it being built. Trip back to KB to meet a former colleague to catch up. Trip back into town to meet friends for a curry. We finally ended up in the courtyard of the Pleasance for a couple of drinks. It was lovely to see so many people.

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