Capital adventures

By marchmont

Avant la Chanteuse

It was a very hot night and I didn't sleep well, so no swim.  The rest of the day was talking to J, hanging out washing, remembering I had 10 minutes to be in Mortonhall to have a meeting with M, long, long chat with said M, lunch, deadheading, sitting in the garden, taking in the washing and then off into town with L.

We had a really tasty meal at Rojava before going over the road to the EICC to see Christine Bovill.  It was her Piaf show ' No Regrets' and she talked about her breakthrough performances at the Fringe when she performed it at the NLS in 2011.  I was there.  Like the rest of us she has aged a bit (no longer brunette) but her voice is still as powerful and she sang all the favourites, La Vie en Rose, Hymn to Love, Milord and of Je ne Regrette Rien. Great evening.

It was still warm and dry when we came out, bus to Gracemount and finally a walk down the road to home. 

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