New pics

A very long lie this morning. I felt I really needed it. 

Apart from coffee and fizz next door (before they went off to see the Hibees lose) it was more tidying out. I got more fine in the office and found even more ring binders and paper to chuck. I also printed off some photos. There are now two new pictures on the family photo shelf, both from the Singapore bash. One in a frame that was a present and the either I bought. Happy memories.

Mid afternoon the sun came out and I moved on to the tidying the shed and cutting back the new growth on the pyracantha. And I put up a couple of pictures and found a box of stuff that was taken out of circulation when the redecoration was fine. 

As the weekend draws to a close I feel quite smug. I've ticked off a few boxes on the to do list but now.... I've added a trip to the dump. 

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