Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Still a fair bit more to do. But not bad. Certainly better than when we started.  Started around 9.00 and packed up the brushes about 7pm, so a long day.

TSM spent a big part of the day in A&E with The Yoga Mama, who had pains that baffled the docs, but she still did loads of painting in between times. She says she finds it soothing, which I get. 

Much to my own surprise I like the colour. But it’s the Dynamic Duo, not us, that will have to live with it - them and their baby when it arrives.

Watched a bio of Gene Wilder last night. Compelling. He was quite a character and very talented. Him and Mel Brooks created some real classics together. Not politically correct by today’s standards but very funny and actually very right on in context. Still, progress means some things can’t be aired any more, which I get. But there’s no harm in an epic fart joke.

Which is more than can be said about the far right thuggery that has now continued for six consecutive nights of rioting across the country. A single incident turned on its head and used as an excuse for violence. A social media generated attack on tolerance. A rich idiot in America using it to parade their ego and prejudice. The opposite of progress …

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