Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Pick your own. Or not.

I prefer to sit and eat food and drink coffee and watch others getting sweaty in the strawberry fields personally. This is The Tea Barn at Durleighmarsh Farm where we ate vegan focaccia sandwiches and flapjacks. Our monthly trip to buy eggs at Sky Park. 

The rest of the day was decorating. The woodwork is painted, the mould treated, the holes filled. Three more days work but the timescales are tight as the dynamic duo need to move in by next weekend.

If the saying "no peace for the wicked" is true then we are almighty sinners. Amen …

In other news, I took a video of the bulge in my hose today and sent it to someone I have never met. Not nearly as kinky as it sounds. See extra; this is all about Amazon returns. I have never known this happen before. Actually there is more than one bulge but you only need one to stop it retracting.

Who says I lead a boring life?

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