
By LesTension


African Lion (Panthera leo); native to Africa in various habitats and there are native populations in India as well.  Due to habitat loss and competition with humans the population is decreasing and is listed as Vulnerable.
This beautiful specimen (named Amen Ra) lived in the zoo in Milwaukee.  I made this photo back in 2011 and I'm pretty sure he is now deceased as he has been replaced by a newer animal from another zoo in Texas, I believe.
Obviously, this is a Back Blip.  The ELW is still in the hospital and this ordeal is getting drawn out and both of us are tired of it.  I spend all day with her waiting to hear from physicians who have their own timetable.  Of course, the minute I Ieave the room to get a sandwich that's when they show up... ARRRRGH!   So far they have ruled out gall bladder as the cause of the pain.  So we start another cascade of tests starting with the most likely and working our way down the list until we find one that clicks.  Why do tests have to take so long?  
Anyway, I won't be shooting much until we solve this issue and get back to our routine.  Fortunately, I have several hundred thousand images on my 114TB of hard drives that I can share.  Sorry to break protocol...but that's the way it will be for a while.

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